Maximum limit of loan:
For construction of new house - Rs.15,00,000/-
For purchase of ready built house - Rs.15,00,000/-
Mortgage of the property over which the proposed building to be constructed by way of registered mortgage deed.
Maximum repayment period:
New house : 10 years.
Repair/renovation : 10 years.
Moratorium period : 12 months from the date of disbursement of first loan.;
Rate of interest:
Up to Rs.3,OO,OOO/- : 13.25%
Above Rs.3.00 lakhs. : 13.75%
Maximum limit of loan:
Cost of the vehicle.
Margin: 15% of the cost of the vehicle.
Primary security:- vehicle purchased out of Bank loan under hypothecation.
Collateral security:- Land and building.
Liquid security : Postal Certificates, Cash Certificates and surrender value of LIC matching to loan amount.
Repayment period:60 equitable monthly installments
Rate of interest:Maximum 14%
Maximum limit: Rs. 5,00,000/- or 30% of home take salary.
Security:Hypothecation of goods acquired out of Bank loan Salary linked.
Repayment period:60 equitable monthly installments
Rate of Interest:Maximum 13%
Maximum limit:- As per the project.
Margin:- 15%
Primary security:- Hypothecation of Assets created out of Bank loan.
Collateral security:- Land and Building.
Liquid Security : Postal Certificates, LIC (S.V.)/ Cash Certificates.
Repayment period:5 to 7 years depending upon income generation.
Rate of interest:Maximum 14%
Maximum limit: - As per the project report and assessment to be made by the appraiser adopting various approved methods.;
Security:Hypothecation of & building & other required securities.
Repayment period:1 year / on demand.
Rate of interest:Maximum 12%
Maximum limit:- Rs.5.00 lakhs or 30 times of monthly take home salary which ever is less.The net monthly income should not be less than Rs.3,000/-.after deduction of loan installment
Security:Salary of the employees.
Repayment period:120 monthly equitable installments. Moratorium-2 Months.
Rate of interest:12.50%
The "Swarojgar Credit Card" (SCC) scheme was introduced in the State after an announcement to the effect was made by the Prime Minister of India in his Independence Day speech on 15th August'2003. The scheme aims at providing adequate, timely and instant credit i.e. working capital, block capital or both for providing self-employment through income generating activities to small artisans, handloom weavers, service sector, fishermen, self employed persons, rickshaw owners and other micro entrepreneurs etc.
Maximum limit: Rs.25,000/-
Repayment period:24-60 monthly installments/Working capital loan one year or on demand.
Rate of interest:12.50% P.A.
A) KISSAN CREDIT CARD In tune with the decision of the Government of India to issue "Kissan Credit Cards" to farmers to meet their credit needs for production of crops and other allied purposes Bank has formulated the policy and introduced Kissan Credit Card in the P ACS with effect from 1998.
Eligibility to avail K.C.C.
1. The farmer must be a member of a Society.
2. He must be cultivated Khariff and Rabi crops in his own land.
3. He should not be defaulter to the Society.
Facilities available in the K.C.C.
Sanction of loan limit for 3 years for cultivation of crop in Khariff and Rabi as per scale of finance of the Bank for different crop and area of land under cultivation.
Issue of K.C.C. Pass Book and Cheque Book.
Withdrawal of loan within the sanctioned limit for cultivation of different crops directly from the Bank through Cheque as per the credit need.
Repayment of loan either at Bank or at P ACS level as per convenient before due date.
Loan insured under "Rastriya Krushi Bima Yojana".
Appeal to the Farmers:
Farmers are requested to keep the Pass Book and Cheque Book with them and draw loan as per their credit need from the Branches of the Bank directly. In no case Cheque Books and Pass Books should handover to any officials of the PACS or Bank.
In order to provide the benefit of institutional credit to the poorest and marginalized section of the Society the Bank has initiated organization and Bank linkage programme for the Self Help Groups from the year 2000-2001 through its P ACS and Branches. Bank has constituted a Micro Finance Division at Head Office level as well as Branch level headed by a Nodal Officer for organizing and credit linkage of SHG.
Maximum limit of finance:1: 1 to 1:4 of the deposit of the Group.
Rate of interest:12.50% to Groups by Bank directly.
In order to provide share croppers/ tenant farmers and oral lessees access to institutional credit which had hitherto been denied to them, after implementation of the Kissan Credit Card scheme, the Bank has t8.ken the lead in organizing exclusive Self Help Groups for them with the facility of 1: 1 0 deposit credit ratio in place of the regular 1 :4. with effect from 2005. Maximum limit of finance: 1:10 of the deposit of the Group. Rate of interest: 12.50% to Groups
To make the small and marginal holdings economically viable.;
To bring fallow lands and waste lands under cultivation.
To step up agricultural production and productivity.
To finance the share croppers/ tenant farmers to purchase land to enable them to increase their income.
Small and marginal farmers i.e. those who would own maximum of 4 acres of non-irrigated land or 2.5acres of irrigated land including purchase of land under the scheme.
Share croppers/ Tenant farmers.
The objective of the Scheme is to finance the farmers to purchase, develop and cultivate agricultural as well as fallow and waste lands. Banks may also consider financing purchase of land for establishing or diversifying in to other allied activities. Complete details of the project proposal of the farmer should be obtained by the Bank while considering finance for purchase of land.
Margin:The margin will be minimum of 20% or as may be prescribed by RBI from time to time.
Security:Land purchased out of Bank finance.
Rate of interest: 13%
Maximum limit:Cost of the land plus development cost.
Repayment period: 7 - 10 years in half yearly installments with maximum moratorium period of 24 months
To augment flow of credit to tenant farmers cultivating land either as oral lessees or share croppers and small farmers who do not have proper title of their land holding through formation and financing of JLGs.
To extend collateral free loans to target clients through JLG mechanism.
To build mutual trust and confidence between Banks and tenant farmers.
General Feature:
JLG is an informal group comprising preferably of 4 to 10 individuals coming together for the purpose of availing Bank loan either singly or through the group mechanism against mutual guarantee.
Maximum loan:Rs.50,000/- per individual.
Purpose of loan: Crop production, consumption, marketing and other productive purposes.
Security:No collateral security.
Rate of interest:13.5%
Maximum Limit:Cost of Tractor/Power Tiller.
Margin: 10%
Security:Hypothecation of Assets and land.
Rate of interest:Maximum 14%
Minor Irrigation
Plantation - Horticulture and medicinal and aromatic plan
Forestry and waste land development.
a) Bamboo cultivation.
b) Bio-diesel and Jatropha
Establishment of Diary Farm.
Poultry & Duckery.
Sheep, Goat and Pig rearing.
Brackish and sweet water fish cultivation.
Establishment of cold storage.
Rural Godown
Renovation/Excavation Of Fish Tank
Brackish water prawn Culture
Sweet water prawn Culture
Horticulture Orchard
Vermin Compost
Solar Energy
Agricultural Composit
All Govt. Sponsored Schemes
Eligible borrowers:
House wife of KKGC holders.
Purpose of loan:
Gas connection, Gas stove and other kitchen utensils:
Maximum limit:Rs.5,000/-
Repayment period:36 monthly installments
Rate of interest:14% on reducing balance.